Rule 1 |
Molecular weight <= 500 Da |
Total number of rotatable bonds <= 10 |
LogP (octanol–water partition coefficient) between −0.4 and + 5.6 |
Number of hydrogen bond donors <= 5 |
LogP (octanol–water partition coefficient) between −0.4 and + 5.6 |
Rule 2 |
LogP (octanol–water partition coefficient) <= 5 |
Number of hydrogen bond donors <= 5 |
Molecular weight <= 480 Da |
Molecular weight <= 450 Da |
Molecular weight <= 500 Da |
Rule 3 |
Hydrogen bond donors <= 5 |
Number of hydrogen bond acceptors <= 10 |
Number of hydrogen bond acceptors <= 10 |
Molecular refractivity between 40 and 130 |
Number of hydrogen bond acceptors <= 10 |
Rule 4 |
Hydrogen bond acceptors <= 10 |
Total polar surface area <= 140 Å2
LogP (octanol–water partition coefficient) between −0.4 and + 5.6 |
N/A |
Molecular refractivity between 40 and 130 |
Rule 5 |
Number of rotatable bonds <= 10 |
N/A |
Number of rotatable bonds <= 10 |
N/A |
N/A |