FIG. 5.
RCAN1.4 gene expression is downregulated while NFE2L3 gene expression is upregulated in PTC tissues. RCAN1.4 and NFE2L3 gene expression levels in 18 paired papillary thyroid cancer normal and tumor samples were assessed by qRT-PCR. (A) Reduced levels of RCAN1.4 mRNA were found in 16 of 18 samples (p = 2.18e-05). (B) Increased levels of NFE2L3 were identified in 17 of 18 samples (p = 1.41e-06). Graphs represent relative gene expression compared with normal tumor samples, with each normal sample paired with the corresponding tumor sample. Data were log2 transformed and analyses were performed using paired Student t-tests; p < 0.05 is significant. qRT-PCR, quantitative real-time PCR.