Figure 4. DHED improves working memory and spatial recognition memory in post-menopausal middle-aged females.
(A) Schematic of Y maze spontaneous alternations (created in BioRender). (B) % alternations (C) Number of arm entries. N=8–10/group. (D) Schematic of object place recognition (created in BioRender) depicting the training and testing trial (E) Difference between % time spent with object in its new place during testing trial vs % time with that same object during training trial (F) Total exploration time with both objects. N=6–8/group. Data are presented as mean ±SEM. One-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s post hoc test vs vehicle *p<0.05. Gonadally intact, vehicle treated, age-matched reference group represented on bar graphs as mean (dark green line) ±SEM (light green shading). veh=vehicle; med=medium.