Host species distribution
Macaca fascicularis suitability |
Modelled suitability of inhabitation by macaques of species M. fascicularis [35]. |
Synoptic |
Macaca nemestrina suitability |
Modelled suitability of inhabitation by macaques of species M. nemestrina [35]. |
Synoptic |
Anopheles Leucosphyrus Group suitability |
Modelled suitability of inhabitation by mosquitoes of the Anopheles Leucosphyrus Group [35]. |
Synoptic |
SRTM elevation |
Mean elevation [37] |
Synoptic |
Tasseled cap wetness s.d. |
Tasseled-cap transformed MODIS data [38, 39]. Now treated as temporally-varying. |
Annual |
Tasseled cap wetness mean |
“ “ “ |
Annual |
Tasseled cap brightness s.d. |
“ “ “ |
Annual |
Plasmodium falciparum temperature suitability |
Modelled temperature suitability index for P. falciparum transmission used as proxy for suitability of P. knowlesi [40]. |
Synoptic |
Forest loss |
Proportion of land where forest coverage has been lost in a given year [36]. Replaced the disturbed forest dataset.
Annual |
Forest coverage |
Proportion of land with forest coverage present in a given year [36]. Replaced the intact forest dataset.
Annual |
Healthcare accessibility |
Modelled duration travel time to the nearest healthcare facility [33]. Replaced the urban accessibility dataset.
Synoptic |
WorldPop human population |
Mean human population density [41, 42]. Now treated as temporally-varying. |
Annual |
MODIS/IGBP landcover
Open shrublands |
Proportion of land with given land classification [43]. |
Annual |
Woody savannas |
“ “ “ |
Annual |
Savannas |
“ “ “ |
Annual |
Grasslands |
“ “ “ |
Annual |
Permanent wetlands |
“ “ “ |
Annual |
Croplands |
“ “ “ |
Annual |
Cropland/natural vegetation mosaic |
“ “ “ |
Annual |
Urban and built up |
“ “ “ |
Annual |