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. 2023 Mar 19;17(8):1262–1277. doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjad049

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of all patients, stratified by treatment group.

CONV [n = 43] FL-IFX [n = 48] p-value
Age at diagnosis, years 14.1 [11.5–16.3] 15.0 [11.8–16.5] 0.266
Male gender 24 [53%] 23 [49%] 0.596
Height, cm 161 [143–172] 166 [153–175] 0.154
Weight, kg 46.3 [30.5–55.0] 47.3 [36.4–56.8] 0.332
wPCDAI 57.5 [47.5–72.5] 57.5 [47.5–67.5] 0.886
CRP, mg/L 37.0 [22.0–65.5] 29.5 [8.8–46.8] 0.053
ESR, mm/h 32.5 [22.0–63.5] 34.0 [26.0–46.0] 0.910
SES-CD 15.0 [8–22] 15.0 [9–21] 0.843
Faecal calprotectin, µg/g 1128 [IQR 592–1670] 1114 [IQR 886–1800] 0.553
Paris classification
Age at diagnosis <10 years 7 [16%] 4 [8%] 0.481
10–17 years 32 [74%] 38 [79%]
17–40 years 4 [9%] 6 [13%]
Disease location L1 10 [23%] 12 [25%] 0.802
L2 11 [26%] 11 [23%]
L3 22 [51%] 24 [50%]
Isolated L4 1 [2%]
Upper disease location No upper GI 22 [51%] 28 [58%] 0.789
L4a 19 [44%] 18 [38%]
L4b 2 [5%] 2 [4%]
Disease behaviour B1 38 [88%] 45 [94%] 0.366
B2 5 [12%] 3 [4%]
Perianal diseaseb 9 [21%] 5 [10%] 0.165
Growth delay 2 [0.5%] 1 [0.2%]a 0.509

Data are n [%] or median [IQR]. Significance was assessed using the Mann–Whitney U-test for numerical variables or chi-square test for categorical variables; p < 0.05 was considered significant. FL-IFX, first-line infliximab; CONV, conventional induction therapy; wPCDAI, weighted paediatric Crohn’s disease activity index [range, 0‒125]; CRP, C-reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; SES-CD, simple endoscopic score for Crohn’s disease [range, 0–60].

aOne missing data point.

bPerianal disease was defined as inactive fistula, skin tags or anal fissures.