Fig 9. Insect bioassays of M. robertsii and M. acridum wild type and Eng1 overexpression strains.
A, B and D. Survival trends of G. mellonella larvae after topical application (A) or hemocoel injection (B and D). C. Survival trends of L. migratoria manilensis nymphs after topical inoculation. **P < 0.01 in log-rank test. Mr-BbEng1OE and MrEng1OE, M. robertsii strains overexpressing BbEng1 and MrEng1. Ma-BbEng1OE and MaEng1OE, M. acridum strains overexpressing BbEng1 and MaEng1. Marked LT50 estimates differ significantly (P < 0.01 in LSD test).