Fig. 5. The T-dependence of 〈B〉 for SM3.
A Theory calculation (including SO interactions and θ = 0.096), showing the convolution of the total magnetic field with the muon stopping distribution at 19 keV (green solid) and 27 keV (black solid) implantation energies, corresponding to 〈x〉 = 54, 82 nm, respectively. The dashed lines represent the results of the convolution of the diamagnetic response of the singlet correlations only (i.e., the difference between solid and dashed shows the paramagnetic contribution). B Experimental results at 19 keV and 27 keV implantation energies. C Expanded scale at 19 keV, showing the upturn close to the Pt/Nb interface as a result of the increasing paramagnetic contribution at lower temperatures. D Field dependence of the average flux expulsion measured at T = 2.5 K, 27 keV implantation energy, which follows a dependence as opposed to the usual linear Meissner relation.