Table 1.
Questions for patients | Questions for residents |
• When you think back to your experience in the hospital when you came in after your injury, what do you remember the most and why? • What made your hospital experience more stressful? • What made your hospital experience more comfortable? • How has trauma affected your life? • How might who you are (such as where you live, what you look like, or how much money you might have) affect the care you receive from doctors, nurses, or the hospital overall? • Sometimes healthcare providers have different backgrounds to their patients, how might that affect the kind of care patients get? • Are there any concerns you have had after discharge from hospital? • What makes it easier or harder to heal physically and mentally after your injury? • How would the ideal trauma center look like to you in terms of best serving our patients? • Living in Chicago at times is not easy. In your opinion, what do you think can help student doctors understand what your own life is like? |
• What was an average day for you like on the trauma service? • Can you describe some high points of being on the trauma service? Low points? • Trauma is known to be a stressful rotation. Can you describe what your mental health was like during the trauma rotation? • When patients are admitted to the trauma service, what might be sources of stress for them during their time? • Many times, the life experiences of residents and of trauma patients are very different. What can help the trainees understand what their patient’s life is like? • How might being different from our patients in terms of race, ethnicity or class impact our relationship with our patients? • What do you think patients are concerned about upon discharge? What are you worried about for their discharge? • How would the ideal trauma center look like to you in terms of best serving our patients? • What is the best way for us to teach trainees who take care of trauma patients affected by violence? |