Fig. 1.
The primate species investigated in this study. Each species is listed by its common name, and is accompanied by a picture and a coronal MR slice, both shown not to scale, and a reconstructed cortical surface, shown to scale. Total surface area (SA) and cerebral volume (V) are listed below. Species are arranged in order of increasing surface area with the exception of the wooly monkey, which is shifted two species to the left to demonstrate the phylogenetic classification. Surface area spans two orders of magnitude, with species distributed unevenly along that axis; therefore, to facilitate analysis, we divided them into four groups (small, medium, large, and x-large) based on natural breaks in the distribution of their surface areas. The night monkey, colobus, and gray-cheeked mangabey images are copyright 2009 Marie Hale (, 2018 Eric Kilby (, and 2012 Joe McKenna (, respectively, and are adapted under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.