Figure 7. IAV alters the proteome of the ASL.
HBECs (n = 3) were infected with 100,000 PFU of IAV for 72 hours before apical washes were collected for proteomic analysis. (A and D) Analysis of the proteome of the ASL of HBECs with and without IAV infection. The following criteria were all met for every reported protein: absolute fold change > 2, significance analysis of microarray > 0.8, and P < 0.05. (B and E) Analysis of the proteome of the ASL from HBECs after IAV infection and with or without basal treatment with 10 μM lumacaftor and tezacaftor at the time of IAV infection followed by basal treatment with 10 μM ivacaftor overnight before ASL collection. The following criteria were met for every reported protein: fold change > 1.5, significance analysis of microarray > 0.6, and P < 0.1. (C) Bar chart showing the number of proteins in each category altered in the ASL of HBECs after IAV infection. All categories reached statistical significance. Data analysis was done using Qiagen IPA software following the standard statistical analysis protocol.