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. 2023 Aug 22;29(9):e13444. doi: 10.1111/srt.13444


Baseline characteristics of patients in the trials included in the meta‐analysis.

Study Country Study design Treatment regimen No. of patients Male/female Age (mean ± SD, y) Wound etiology NOS
Ahmed et al. 19 Egypt RCT Autologous PRP 28 20/8 43.2 ± 18.2 Diabetic foot ulcers NA
Antiseptic ointment dressing 28 18/10 49.8 ± 15.4
Game et al. 20 UK RCT Autologous PRP+ Standard care 131 107/25 61.9 ± 11.4 Diabetic foot ulcers NA
Standard care 134 110/24 62 ± 11.9
Saldalamacchia et al. 21 Italy Cohort Autologous PRP + Standard care 7 4/3 61.1 ± 9.4 Diabetic foot ulcers 5
Standard care 7 2/5 58.1 ± 7.8
Jeong et al. 22 Korea RCT Allogenic PRP 52 27/25 64.5 ± 8.1 Diabetic foot ulcers NA
Topicalfibrinogen and thrombin 48 26/22 63.8 ± 6.4
Abdelghani et al. 23 Egypt RCT Autologous PRP 20 9/11 34.9 ± 15.39 Non‐segmental vitiligo NA
Laser 20 6/14 29.6 ± 10.80
Kakagia et al. 24 Greece RCT Autologous PRP 17 NR 57 ± 12 Diabetic foot ulcers NA
Cellulose/collagen biomaterial 17 NR 58 ± 10
Singh et al. 25 India Cohort Autologous PRP 25 19/6 36.84 ± 12.67 Press ulcers 5
saline dressing 25 19/6 36.84 ± 12.67
Li et al. 26 China RCT Autologous PRP+ standard treatment 59 37/22 61.4 ± 13.1 Diabetic foot ulcers NA
standard treatment 58 38/20 64.1 ± 9.4
Moneib et al. 27 Egypt Cohort Autologous PRP 20 19/1 36.4 ± 10.2 Chronic venous leg ulcers 5
conventional therapy 20 20/0 32.5 ± 7.5
Ibrahim et al. 28 Egypt Cohort Autologous PRP 60 NR 28 ± 5.65 Stable vitiligo 6
Narrowband—ultraviolet B 60 NR 28 ± 5.65
Kazakos et al. 29 Belgium Cohort Autologous PRP 27 14/13 36 (20–56) Acute trauma wounds 6
Conventional dressings 32 20/12 38 (19–52)
Ramos‐Torrecillas et al. 30 Spain RCT Autologous PRP 34 NR 82.5 Press ulcers NA
Standard care 25 NR 82.5
Saad Setta et al. 31 Egypt Cohort Autologous PRP 12 NR 40–60 Diabetic foot ulcers 5
Platelet‐poor plasma 12 NR 40–60
Milek et al. 32 Poland Cohort Autologous PRP 50 16/34 53–89 Venous leg ulcers 6
conventional hydrocolloid dressings 50 11/39 54–79
Steed et al. 33 USA RCT Allogenic PRP 7 5/2 58.7 ± 12.4 Diabetic foot ulcers NA
Saline dressings 6 4/2 54.2 ± 12.9
Steed et al. 34 USA RCT Allogenic PRP 11 NR NR Diabetic foot ulcers NA
Saline dressings 5 NR NR
Escamilla Cardeñosa et al. 35 USA RCT Autologous PRP 55 15/40 65 ± 13.72 Venous leg ulcers NA
Standard care 47 16/31 69 ± 16.26
De Angelis et al. 41 Italy Cohort Autologous PRP 182 NR NR Diabetic foot ulcers 7
Hyaluronic acid 182 NR NR
Senet et al. 36 France RCT Autologous PRP 7 4/3/ 72.3 (45–88) Venous leg ulcers NA
Saline dressings 6 3/3 72.3 (50–83)
Burgos‐Alonso et al. 37 Spain RCT Autologous PRP 5 2/3 76.6 ± 8.7 Venous leg ulcers NA
Standard care 3 3/0 69.7 ± 11.1
Kadry et al. 42 Hungary Cohort Autologous PRP 30 NR NR Vitiligo 6
Laser 30 NR NR
Serra et al. 43 Italy Cohort Autologous PRP 26 19/7 67.5 (43–85) Diabetic foot ulcers 6
Standard care 32 27/5 63.5 (41–79)
Khattab et al. 44 Egypt Cohort Autologous PRP 26 4/22 25.42 ± 7.6 Vitiligo 6
Excimer laser 26 6/20 24.9 ± 5.6
Parambath et al. 38 India RCT Autologous PRP 20 NR NR Vitiligo NA
Phosphate buffered saline 20 NR NR
Driver et al. 39 USA RCT Autologous PRP 40 32/8 56.4 ± 8.1 Diabetic foot ulcers NA
Saline dressings 32 27/5 57.5 ± 9.1
Karimi et al. 45 Iran RCT Autologous PRP 25 20/5 NR Diabetic foot ulcers NA
Saline dressings 25 18/7 NR
Stacey et al. 40 Australia RCT Autologous PRP 42 15/27 72 (35–90) Venous leg ulcers NA
Placebo 44 21/23 70 (26–92)

Abbreviations: NR, not reported; PRP, platelet rich plasma; RCT, randomized control trial; SD, standard deviation.