Figure 2: Cold-induced RNA editing sites are enriched in subtle, common amino acid substitutions.
Panel A: the majority of recoding editing sites do not show a statistically-significant temperature-sensitivity (grey) but a large proportion (33%, blue) are cold-induced and a small proportion are warm-induced (1%, red). Panel B: The fraction of recoding sites where amino acid substitutions stayed within the same polarity category is higher in cold-induced sites than warm-induced sites or sites with insignificant temperature sensitivity. The Bonferroni adjusted p-values from pairwise χ2 tests are shown above each comparison. Panel C: The fraction of recoding sites resulting in evolutionarily common amino acid substitutions (positive BLOSUM scores) is higher in cold-induced sites than sites with insignificant temperature sensitivity. The Bonferroni adjusted p-values from pairwise t-tests on the raw BLOSUM scores are shown above each comparison. See also Figure S2.