Table 3.
Clinical measurements and methods
Measurements | Description |
Body weight | Measured after minimum 6 hours of fasting and without cloth Scale: Seca 701 7021099 |
Blood tests (fasting) | Peripheral venous blood |
Transient liver elastography/Controlled Attenuated Parameter | FibroScan, M-XL probe (Echosens, Paris, France) |
Carotid intima-media thickness | Sonosite M-Turbo (Sonosite, Bothell, Washington, USA), analysed with a 13.6 MHz linear transducer and automated software (SonoCalc IMT 5.0; Sonosite) |
CT scans | CT chest, CT upper abdomen and coronary calcium scan Aquillion ONE scanner, Toshiba Medical Systems, (Otawara-shi, Tochigi-ken, Japan) |
DEXA scan | Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) Whole-body DEXA scanning Hologic QDR-2000 W (Bedford, Massachusetts, USA) |
Cardiac MRI | MAGNETOM Prisma 3 Tesla scan Siemens Healthineers (Erlangen Germany) |
Metabolic syndrome* | Central obesity: waist circumference ≥94 cm for men and ≥80 cm for women (Europids), or body mass index >30 kg/m², plus any two of the following four factors:
Insulin resistance and β-cell function | Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR): |
Type 2 diabetes† |
Cardiovascular disease risk scores:
Online calculation tool, CHIP Centre of Excellence for Health and Framingham Heart Study |
Survey |
*Metabolic syndrome defined in accordance with The International Diabetes Federations definition.
†WHO definition.
CHIP, Centre of Excellence for Health, Immunity and Infections; D:A:D, Data Collection on Adverse Effects of Anti-HIV Drugs Cohort.