Figure 4.
A) Maximum Likelihood topology based on 34,308 polymorphic positions derived from 675 La1 and 63 La2 WGS, after conservatively filtering out several repetitive regions of the genome (see methods). Branch lengths are proportional to nucleotide substitutions and the topology is rooted with one L6 WGS. Support values indicated for the main divisions correspond to bootstrap values. Monophyletic clades corresponding to sublineage divisions are indicated in color as in the legend. Newly sequence La1 in this study are indicated by different symbols as in the legend. B) Number of WGS included in the phylogenetic tree per continent (Af = Africa, Am = America, As = Asia, Eu = Europe, Oc = Oceania) and sublineage shown on a square-root scale. The bars are colored according to the sublineage.