Extended Data Table 2.
Patient characteristics from retrospective analysis of PET/CT scans
Data are mean ± SEM. Anthropometric and biochemical data from patients who attended the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh to undergo PET/CT scanning as part of their diagnostic pathway. All patients received either 370MBq or 4MBq/Kg of 18F-FDG 60 minutes prior to undergoing PET/CT scanning of their body. Patients were kept in a room at 20-21˚C prior to and following the 18F-FDG injection until the PET/CT scan was performed. Data were analysed by one way ANOVA or by Chi-squared test, there were no statistically significant differences between groups. Historical ambient temperature data were obtained from the Met Office Leuchars station which is situated closest to Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom (https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/pub/data/weather/uk/climate/stationdata/leucharsdata.txt).