Magnitude and direction of mean differences at week 2 in metabolites after consumption of a UPF-DP compared with UN-DP. Metabolites listed (n = 21) here differed within-individual (n = 20 participants) between UPF-DP and UN-DP at week 2 for plasma as well as week 1 and week 2 for 24-h urine. Mean differences in metabolites were estimated via a linear mixed model adjusted for diet, phase, sequence, and time point for urine only and calculated EI during the week prior to sample collection with subject-specific random intercepts. P values were Benjamini-Hochberg corrected for multiple comparisons. Super pathway (ie, general biochemical class) and subpathway were assigned by Metabolon, Inc. EI, energy intake; UN-DP, unprocessed dietary pattern; UPF-DP, ultraprocessed dietary pattern.