Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy measurements.A, transient absorption measurements on the D67N mutant at indicated time delays B, EAS spectra obtained after global analysis. The time constants show that the excited state of FAD, formed right after excitation, decays in 5 ps to the next state which shows the presence of the neutral flavin radical. The final state is dominated by the signaling state and exist longer than the window of the measurement C, individual kinetics of the WT and D67N OaPAC measured at 505 nm. Applying a monoexponential fit the time constants for the WT and D67N were 90 ± 30 ps and 64 ± 8 ps, respectively. EAS, evolutionary-associated spectra; FAD, flavin adenine dinucleotide; OaPAC, photoactivated adenylate cyclase from Oscillatoria acuminata.