Antibodies |
anti-B220 FITC, clone RA3-6B2 |
BD |
Cat.# 553088; RRID:AB_394618
anti-CD5 BB700, clone 53-7.3 |
BD |
Cat.# 742083; RRID:AB_2871364
anti-CD19 BV421, clone 1D3 |
BD |
Cat.# 562701; RRID:AB_2737731
anti-CD21 APC, clone 7G6 |
BD |
Cat.# 561770; RRID:AB_10892818
anti-CD43 PE, clone S7 |
BD |
Cat.# 553271; RRID:AB_394748
anti-CD23 PE-Cy7, clone B3B4 |
BioLegend |
Cat.# 101614; RRID:AB_2103036
anti-CD16/32 |
BD |
Cat.# 553142; RRID:AB_394657
anti-IgD PE, clone 11 -26c.2a |
BD |
Cat.# 558597; RRID:AB_647211
anti-CD19 PE-CF594, clone 1D3 |
BD |
Cat.# 562329; RRID:AB_11154580
anti-IgM APC, clone RMM-1 |
BioLegend |
Cat.# 406509; RRID:AB_315059
anti-CD43 APC-Cy7, clone 1B11 |
Biolegend |
Cat.# 121220; RRID:AB_2194192
anti-CD5 PerCP-Cy5.5, clone 53-7.3 |
ebioscience |
Cat.# 45-0051-82; RRID:AB_914334
biotinylated anti-CD9, clone KMC8 |
BD |
Cat.# 558749; RRID:AB_397103
anti-CD63 PE, clone NVG-2 |
BD |
Cat.# 564222; RRID:AB_2738678
biotinylated anti-CD81, clone Eat2 |
BD |
Cat.# 559518; RRID:AB_397259
anti-IgM HRP |
SouthernBiotech |
Cat.# 1020-05; RRID:AB_2794201
anti-IgG2a HRP |
SouthernBiotech |
Cat.# 1080-05; RRID:AB_2734756
anti-CD81 BV421, clone Eat2 |
BD |
Cat.# 740060; RRID:AB_2739825
rat IgG2a FITC isotype control, clone R35-95 |
BD |
Cat.# 554688; RRID:AB_10053774
rat IgG2a APC isotype control, clone RTK2758 |
Biolegend |
Cat.# 400512; RRID:AB_2814702
anti-CD4 PE-Cy5, clone GK1.5 |
ebioscience |
Cat.# 15-0041-82; RRID:AB_468695
anti-IgG AF488 |
ThermoFisher Scientific |
Cat.# A11055; RRID:AB_2534102
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins |
Lipopolysaccharide |
Sigma |
Cat.# L6511 |
PtC liposomes FITC |
Dr. Aaron Kantor, Kantor Bioscience Consulting |
streptavidin PE |
ebioscience |
Cat.# 12-4317-87 |
RBC lysis buffer |
Lonza |
Cat.# 10-548E |
LIVE/DEAD fixable cell stain |
Invitrogen |
Cat.# L34966
RIPA lysis buffer |
ThermoFisher Scientific |
Cat.# 89900 |
Halt protease inhibitor cocktail |
ThermoFisher Scientific |
Cat.# 1862209 |
Halt phosphatase inhibitor cocktail |
ThermoFisher Scientific |
Cat.# 1862495 |
Triton X-100 |
Sigma |
Cat.# X100 |
Tween 20 |
Sigma |
Cat.# 9416 |
Laemmli SDS sample buffer |
Bio-Rad |
Cat.# 1610747 |
streptavidin HRP |
Pierce |
Cat.# 21130 |
purified mouse IgM |
BD |
Cat.# 557275 |
wheat germ agglutinin AF488 |
Invitrogen |
Cat.# W11261
phalloidin rhodamine |
ThermoFisher Scientific |
Cat.# R415 |
Prolong Gold/DAPI |
ThermoFisher Scientific |
Cat.# P10144
Critical commercial assays |
Miltenyi gentleMACS Octo dissociator |
Miltenyi |
Cat.# 130-095-937 |
Miltenyi pan B cell isolation kit II |
Miltenyi |
Cat.# 130-104-443 |
bicinchoninic acid (BCA) protein assay kit |
Pierce |
Cat# 23227 |
4-15% tris-glycine gels |
Bio-Rad |
Cat# 4568086 |
Aldehyde sulfate beads (4 μm); Aldehyde sulfate beads (5μm) |
ThermoFisher Scientific |
Cat.# A37304; Cat.# A37306 |
imperial protein stain |
ThermoFisher Scientific |
Cat# 24615 |
anti-mouse IgM ELISA kit |
Bethyl |
Cat.# E90-101 |
round glass coverslips, #1.5, 12mm |
Thomas Scientific |
Cat.# 1217N79 |
Immun-Blot PVDF membrane |
Bio-Rad |
Cat# 1620177 |
SuperSignal West Pico PLUS ECL reagents |
ThermoFisher Scientific |
Cat# 34580 |
Lionheart FX automated live cell imager |
Biotek |
AR1+ confocal microscope |
Nikon |
Fortessa flow cytometer |
BD |
Influx cell sorter |
BD |
Experimental models: Cell lines |
WEHI-231 mouse B cell lymphoma |
frozen stock |
S9.6 hybridoma |
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) |
Cat.# HB-8730; lot 63476317 |
CH-12 mouse B cell lymphoma |
frozen stock |
HELA human cervical cancer |
frozen stock |
Experimental models: Organisms/strains |
C57BL/6 mouse |
The Jackson Laboratory | |
Ighm knock-out mice (B6; 129S4-Ighmtm1che/J) |
Dr. Kishore Alugupalli |
Software and algorithms |
Flowjo, v10.6.2 |
BD | |
Image J, version 1.51 |
National Institutes of Health | |
Prism, version 8.1.1 |
GraphPad | |
Photoshop 2018, 2021 |
Adobe | |
Image Lab |
Bio-Rad | |
Gen5 software (Lionheart microscope) |
Biotek |
NIS-Elements C (Nikon confocal microscope) |
Nikon |