Figure 1.
The RBC-diff accurately identifies red cell morphologies. (A) RBC-diff classification accuracy for a test set of 1334 manually labeled single-cell images. (B) Concordance of RBC-diff counts with expert quantitation on standard smear images (∼2000 RBCs per image) (mean algorithm-expert R2: 0.76; comparison with the individual experts shown in supplemental Figure 2; mean interexpert R2, 0.75). (C) Mean difference in counts between pairs of smears created with different aliquots from the same blood sample compared with the expected difference when randomly sampled from a cell population twice (further details in Methods). (D) Association between RBC-diff cell density estimates on standard smear images and morphology grading flags at MGH (1+, 2+, 3+ reflect increasing frequency of the given morphology). See supplemental Figure 3 for the validation of this result at BWH. (E–I) Distributions associated with panels C and D are shown in supplemental Figures 10, 11, and 12. The distribution of the flags (panel D) is shown in supplemental Figure 3. All P values were calculated using a 2-sided Student t test. AUC, area under the receiver operating curve; N.f, not flagged.