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. 2023 Jul 27;26(9):107490. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107490

Fluorescein Isothiocyanate (FITC) Sigma-Aldrich #P5282
Texas-Red labeled phalloidin Invitrogen TM #T7471
Mouse anti-GFP antibody Roche #11814460001; RRID:AB_390913
Goat anti-mouse FITC antibody Abcam #6785; RRID:AB_955241
Rabbit anti-phospho-4EBP1 antibody Cell Signaling #2855; RRID:AB_560835
Goat anti-rabbit FITC antibody Abcam #6717; RRID:AB_955238
Vectashield Vector Laboratories H-1000
Vectashield with DAPI Vector Laboratories H-1200
Alexa Fluor 488 alkyne dye Thermofisher #A10267

Bacterial and virus strains

Serratia marcescens Db11 (SmDb11) Flyg et al.52 N/A
Serratia marcescens 21C4 (Sm21C4) Kurz et al.11 N/A

Biological samples

Intestines This study N/A

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

Essential amino acids Thermo Fischer Scientific MEM Amino Acids Solution 50X #11130051
Non-essential amino acids Thermo Fischer Scientific MEM Non-Essential Amino Acids Solution 100X, #11140076
Chloramphenicol Euromedex 3886-B
Streptomycin Sigma-Aldrich S6501
TRI Reagent RT Molecular Research Center TR118
Bromoanisole Molecular Research Center BAN, 98%,

Critical commercial assays

iScript cDNA synthesis kit Bio-Rad #1708890
iQ TM SYBR Green Supermix kit Bio-Rad #1525121
L-amino acid quantitation kit Sigma-Aldrich #MAK002
Click-it AHA (L-azidohomoalanine) kit Thermofisher #C10102
Click-it Cell Reaction Buffer kit Thermofisher #C10269
FLIC system (FLIC-MCU+DFM) Sable Systems Europe N/A

Deposited data

RNA sequencing WT 3h post-infection Lee et al.14 GEO Bioproject: GSE60504
RNA sequencing WT 6h and 9h post-infection This study GEO Bioproject: PRJNA258425
RNA sequencing WT vs. acs-RNAi at 3h, 8h and 16h post-infection This study GEO Bioproject: PRJNA821079

Experimental models: Organisms/strains

Drosophila melanogaster wA5001 Thibault et al.53 N/A
D. melanogaster w1118iso Laboratory of Luis Teixeira (Ryder et al.)54 N/A
D. melanogaster NP-Gal4-tubGal80ts(also known as Myo31D) Cronin et al., 2009; Nehme et al., 200712,13 N/A
D. melanogaster NP-Gal4-tubGal80tsiso This laboratory N/A
D. melanogaster Ubi-Gal4tubGal80ts This laboratory N/A
D. melanogaster Yolk-Gal4 This laboratory N/A
D. melanogaster prospero-Gal4 Bloomington stock center #84276
D. melanogaster esg-Gal4Gal80ts Micchelli&Perrimon55 N/A
D. melanogaster how>Gal4 Bloomington stock center #1767
D. melanogaster mex1>Gal4 Bloomington stock center #91368
D. melanogaster uro-Gal4 Laboratory of Bruno Lemaitre (Li et al.)56 N/A
D. melanogaster w; esgGal4tubGal80tsUAS-GFP; UAS-flp Act>CD2>Gal4 Jiang et al.20 N/A
D. melanogaster acs iso CRISPR KO Sino-French Hoffmann Institute and this laboratory N/A
D. melanogaster acs iso CRISPR KI Well Genetics and this laboratory N/A
D. melanogaster arcus-RNAi (CG1139 RNAi) VDRC #102363
D. melanogaster arcus-RNAi iso This laboratory N/A
D. melanogaster UAS-CG1139-GFP Gift from Prof. Deborah Goberdhan17 N/A
D. melanogaster InR RNAi Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #51518
D. melanogaster Myc RNAi Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #51454
D. melanogaster S6K RNAi Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #42572
D. melanogaster S6K-KQ Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #6911
D. melanogaster TOR RNAi Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #33627
D. melanogaster Tsc2 RNAi Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #31776
D. melanogaster Atg9 RNAi Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center #28055
D. melanogaster E2f1 RNAi VDRC #108837
D. melanogaster E2f2 RNAi VDRC #100990
D. melanogaster Egfr RNAi VDRC #107130


rp49 fw 5′GACGCTTCAAGGGACAGTATCTG-3′ This laboratory N/A
rp49 rv 5′- AAACGCGGTTCTGCATGAG3′ This laboratory N/A
acs fw 5′ACGTCAGCTTTTCGCAGGCCA-3′ This publication N/A
acs rv 5′-ACAACGCAGCCAGGGTGGAC-3′ This publication N/A
myc fw 5′ CAGTTCCAGTTCGCAGTCAA-3′ This publication N/A
myc rv 5′ AGATAAACGCTGCTGGAGGA-3′ This publication N/A

Software and algorithms

ImageJ/Fiji software Fiji software
GraphPad Prism v8.2.1 GraphPad software
CFX384 system Bio-Rad 1855484
HISAT2 Kim et al.57
Bowtie2 Langmead and Salzberg58
RSEM Li et al.59
DEseq2 algorithm Love et al.60
GSEA v4.1.0 Subramanian et al.21


absorbent pads Millipore # AP1003700
DNBseq platform BGI N/A