HVI–COT–Cy5 is capable of long-term imaging with GCaMP6s in cardiomyocytes. (A) Wide-field imaging of cardiomyocyte coexpressing GCaMP6s–NES and HVI–COT–Cy5. (Scale bar, 20 μm.) (B) Dual-color imaging in cardiomyocytes for 15 min in total (488 nm channel: 0.1 W•cm−2, 10 Hz; 637 nm channel: 0.8 W•cm−2, 100 Hz). The signal of HVI–COT–Cy5 was photobleaching corrected. (C) Overlays of the average AP signals (Left) and normalized average ΔF (Right) from four rounds of 3-min recording in B. (D) AP sensitivity, APD50, and APD90 of HVI–COT–Cy5 (n = 8 cells) and HVI–Cy5 (n = 7 cells) as a function of continuous imaging time. Error bars represent SEM.