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. 2023 Jul 18;299(8):105067. doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2023.105067

Table 2.

Selected crystal data, X-ray data collection statistics, and refinement parametersa

Complex Insertion Extension
Data Collection
 Space group P61 P61
 Unit cell constants: a, b, c [Å] 98.99, 98.99, 81.47 98.67, 98.67, 81.74
 Unit cell constants: α, β, γ [°] 90, 90, 120 90, 90, 120
 Resolution [Å] 32.40–2.35 (2.41–2.35) 30.00–2.87 (2.92–2.87)
 Wavelength [Å] 1.12723 1.12723
 No. of unique reflections 18,885 (1397) 10,308 (536)
 Completeness [%] 99.50 (99.50) 98.50 (99.30)
 R-merge 0.087 (0.674) 0.106 (0.697)
 R-pim 0.064 (0.499) 0.049 (0.392)
 I/σ(I) 10.30 (2.10) 15.68 (1.98)
 Redundancy 5.30 (5.30) 5.40 (4.10)
 No. of protein molecules/DNA duplexes per a.u. 1/1 1/1
 Resolution [Å] 32.40–2.35 (2.47–2.35) 29.53–2.87 (3.28–2.87)
 Number of reflections 18,867 (2559) 10,282 (3295)
 R-work 0.189 (0.230) 0.204 (0.262)
 R-free 0.244 (0.292) 0.251 (0.331)
 No. of protein/nucleotide atoms 3327/393 3225/374
 No. of waters/ions/ligands 90/3/7 23/2/1
 R.m.s. deviations bonds [Å] 0.008 0.004
 R.m.s. deviations angles [°] 1.00 0.75
 Avg. B-factor, protein/nucleotide atoms [Å2] 48.82/49.69 52.81/53.35
 Avg. B-factor, H2O/ions/ligands [Å2] 48.05/67.64/53.90 48.77/50.07/43.20
 PDB entry code 8EVE 8EVF

Numbers in parentheses refer to the outermost shell.