Partial DoS (pDoS) for (a) anatase and
(b) rutile phases of TiO2, calculated within the DFT framework.
A small degree of Gaussian
broadening (0.1 eV) was applied to help visualize the data. The simulated
VB spectra of (c) anatase and (d) rutile decomposed into their different
angular momentum components and scaled to equal heights of the overlaid
XPS spectra. The simulated spectra were derived from the pDoS by correction
with several refined parameters (see Experimental
and Computaional Methods section) photoionization cross-section
values and Gaussian (1.3 eV) and Lorentzian (0.1 eV) broadening. The
experimental spectra were smoothed using a 3-point moving average
filter and have been corrected via Shirley background subtraction.
The experimental valence band maximum has been aligned to 0 eV, and
the simulated spectra have been aligned with the experimental using
a least-squares fitting method. The regions labeled P1–5 and Q1–5 indicate regions of interest and are
discussed in the text. The positions relative to the DFT energy scale
are: P1, 0.1; P2, 1.5; P3,
2.2; P4, 3.7; P5, 4.6 eV and rutile: Q1, 0.5; Q2, 1.7; Q3, 2.6; Q4, 4.4; and Q5, 5.5 eV.