Figure 4.
A comparative swimming behavior and survivability of zebrafish injected with carboxymethyllysine (CML) and subsequently treated with sunflower oil (SO) and Raydel ozonated sunflower oil (OSO). (A) Zebrafish survivability at 60 min post-injection. (B) Mean value of percentage swimming activity and (C) snapshots of swimming activity at 30 min and 60 min post-injection. The CML+PBS group was injected with CML (250 μg) dissolved in PBS, whereas CML+(SO1%, SO2%, OSO1%, and OSO2%) groups were co-injected with CML (250 μg) along with either SO1% or SO2% or OSO1% or OSO2%. The letters (a,b) above the graphs indicate the statistical difference (p < 0.05) among the groups at the given time.