Expression of the V-ATPase genes analyzed in this study. D. melanogaster V-ATPase-encoding genes without (A) and with (B) the dCLEAR motif. Expression data have been retrieved from FlyAtlas [60]. Tissues are displayed in the following order: Brain, Head, Eye, Thoracicoabdominal ganglion, Salivary gland, Crop, Midgut, Tubule, Hindgut, Heart, Fat body, Ovary, Testis, Male accessory gland, Virgin spermatheca, Mated spermatheca, Adult carcass, Larval CNS, Larval Salivary gland, Larval midgut, Larval tubule, Larval hindgut, Larval fat body, Larval trachea, Larval carcass, S2 cells (growing), Whole fly. (C) Expression across tissues in adults and larvae of orthologous genes in T. castaneum. The Vma21 ortholog was not found in T. castaneum (in black).