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. 2023 Aug 12;15(16):4074. doi: 10.3390/cancers15164074

Table 4.

Variants count for the whole pedigree subjects and shared variants by subjects under the same pedigree group with variants location according to AnnotSV.

Variants Filtering Variant Count
Deletions and duplications: duphold depth based 4314 (4120 DEL, 194 DUP)
Breakends and inversions: NA 6857 (6560 BND, 297 INV)
Total count BND DEL DUP INV
<0.01 AF 1000G ALL and <0.01 gnomAD 5492 1122 105 137
AnnotSV ranking > 3 274 164 17 18
Total length >= 50 bp NA 140 17 18
Shared by all samples in a group 154 (HRLS: 66; IRLS: 39; LRLS: 49) 133 (HRLS: 48; IRLS: 46; LRLS: 39) 4 (HRLS: 1; IRLS: 0; LRLS: 3) 13 (HRLS: 4; IRLS: 4; LRLS: 5)
Shared by all samples under a particular group 35 (HRLS: 23; IRLS: 4; LRLS: 8) 18 (HRLS: 7; IRLS: 4; LRLS: 7) 2 (HRLS: 0; IRLS: 0; LRLS: 2) 2 (HRLS: 0; IRLS: 1; LRLS: 1)
Variant’s location according to AnnotSV
Variants annotation according to hit from RefSeq BND DEL DUP INV
Intronic 26 17 1 0
Exonic 2 0 0 0
txStart-txEnd 0 0 0 2
NA 7 1 1 0

RefSeq: reference sequence database; NA: not applicable; AF: allele frequency; 1000 G: 1000 genomes project for all individuals in this release; high risk to LS group (HRLS); intermediate risk to LS (IRLS); low risk to LS (LRLS); bp: base pair; BND: breakend; DEL: deletion; DUP: duplication; INV: inversion; gnomAD: Genome Aggregation Database; txStart-txEnd: Transcript Start-Transcript End.