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. 2023 Aug 9;11(16):2240. doi: 10.3390/healthcare11162240

Table 15.

Detecting cardiovascular and heart disease using machine learning techniques.

Data set Approach Results
Cleveland, Hungarian,
Long-beach VA, Switzerland (UCI) [168]
SVM, Naive Bayes,
Random Forest,
Multilayer Perceptron
Accuracy: 98%
Cleveland (UCI) [37] Hybrid Random Forest
with a Linear Model
Accuracy: 95.87%
Hungarian HD (UCI) [169] Deep Learning Modified
Neural Network (DLMNN)
Security: 95.87%
Statlog Cleveland (UCI) [170] Density-Based Spatial Clustering
of Application with Noise
STATLOG dataset
Accuracy: 95.90 ± 5.55,
Precision: 97.14 ± 5.71,
Sensitivity: 94.67 ± 11.08,
Cleveland dataset
Accuracy: 98.40 ± 3.21,
Precision: 98.57 ± 4.29,
Sensitivity: 98.33 ± 5.00
Cleveland (UCI) [45] Modified Salp-Swarm
Neuro-Fuzzy Inference
Accuracy: 99.45%,
Precision: 96.54%
PTB Diagnostic ECG, Fantasia Database,
St. Petersburg Institute of Cardiological
Technics 12-lead Arrhythmia Database,
PTB Diagnostic ECG Database,
BIDMC Congestive Heart
Failure Database [46]
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN),
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
Accuracy: 98.51%,
Specificity: 97.89%,
Sensitivity: 99.30%,
Positive predictive value: 97.33%
PhysioNet [171] Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO),
Twin Support Vector Machine (TSVM)
Accuracy: 96.68%
Framingham and Hungarian Kaggle,
Health Dataset USA Health site [172]
Beetle Swarm Optimization-Adaptive
Neuro-fuzzy inference
system (BSO-ANFIS)
BSO-ANFIS of heart
disease classification
Accuracy: 99.1%,
Precision: 99.37%,
Specificity: 99.4%,
Sensitivity: 99.21%
multi-disease identification
Accuracy: 96.08%,
Precision: 98.63%
MIT-BIH Arrhythmia,
BIDMC Congestive Heart Failure,
MIT-BIH Normal Sinus Rhythm
Deep Neural Network Accuracy: 99%
Cleveland, South Africa,
Z-Alizadeh Sani, Framingham,
Statlog [173]
Deep Belief Network Cleveland Accuracy: 89.2%
South Africa Accuracy: 89.5%
Z-Alizadeh Sani Accuracy: 89.7%
Framingham Accuracy: 90.2%
Statlog cardiac disease Accuracy: 91.2%
Computing in Cardiology Challenge [174] Neural Network Accuracy: 97%
UCI Machine Learning Repository [175] Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Accuracy: 95.78%
Precision: 95.2%
Recall: 95.2%
Equal rate of error: 4.32%
Dalian Medical University
and Northeastern University [176]
Three Decision Tree-based
multilabel learning methods
F1-score: 86.73%
AUC: 90.80%
Accuracy: 92.72%
Statlog, Cleveland, Hungary [177] Deep Bidirectional
Long Short-Term Memory
with Elliptic Curve
Cryptography dependent
Diffi-Huffman algorithm
Accuracy: 97.53%
Sensitivity: 97.93%
Specificity: 97.52%
F1-Score: 7.65%
Cleveland [178] Big data processing
Apache Spark
Apache Kafka
Accuracy: 92.05%
Sensitivity: 88.10%
Specificity: 95.65%
UCI public repository [179] Sine Cosine Weighted k-NN Accuracy: 92.13%
Precision: 88.21%
Recall: 93.27%
F1-Score: 90.60%
RMSE: 0.1115
UBFC-Rppg, VIPL-HR [180]
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) VIPL-HR
Accuracy: 90%
MAE: 5.23
RMSE: 7.21
Kaggle repository [181] Recursive feature elimination
based Gradient Boosting (RFE-GB)
Accuracy: 88.8%
Precision: 88.8%
Recall: 85%
F1-score: 83%
AUC: 84%
MSE: 0.20
RMSE: 0.44
Cleveland [182] Multi-layer Perceptron
for Enhanced Brownian Motion
based on Dragonfly Algorithm
Accuracy: 97.47%
Sensitivity: 98.92%
F1-score: 96.45%
Specificity: 96.47%
Kappa: 96.75%
Chapman University and
Shaoxing People’s Hospital,
China Physiological Signal Challenge [183]
Deep Learning System F1-score: 97.18%
Precision: 97.36%
Recall: 97.03%
Accuracy: 98.73%
UCI Heart Disease [184] Stacking Classifiers Model Accuracy: 91.8%
Precision: 92.6%
Sensitivity: 92.6%
Specificity: 91%
Breast Cancer,
Heart Disease,
Pima of UCI repository [185]
Multi-layer Perceptron Heart Disease prediction
Accuracy: 83.90%
Precision: 84.69%
F1-score: 83.84%
Recall: 83.90%
Pulsewatch, UMMC Simband
Stanford University’s PPG,
Ensemble based feature selection MIMIC-III
Accuracy: 99%
Sensitivity: 83%
Specificity: 98%
Accuracy: 94%
Sensitivity: 95%
Specificity: 91%
CapnoBase, MIMIC-II [187] Growing Multilayer Network CapnoBase
Sensitivity: 98.49%
Precision: 98.60%
F1-score: 98.55%
Sensitivity: 96.01%
Precision: 98.35%
F1-score: 97.17%
MIMIC [188]
Knowledge Distillation Strategies Estimation error
Systolic BP: 0.02±5.93 mmHG
Diastolic BP: 0.01±3.87 mmHG