Figure 7.
Treatments with NLRP3 inflammasome inhibitors OLT1177 and Z-WEHD effectively rescued restraint-stress-induced spleen infiltration, IL-1β expression, and pyroptotic cell death of spleen macrophages. (A) Experiment outline, (B–D) OLT1177 treatments, and (E–G) Z-WEHD-FMK (Z-WEHD) treatments are indicated. (B,E) Relative IL-1β expression levels of F4/80+ spleen macrophages. (C,F) Relative pyroptosis levels of F4/80+ spleen macrophages. (D,G) Relative macrophage infiltration levels in the mouse spleen. * p < 0.05, vs. respective 0 h untreated groups; # p < 0.05, vs. ## p < 0.01, respective no stress (–stress) groups; + p < 0.05, vs. respective vehicle groups. n = 6 (three experiments with total six mice per group).