Expression of BK channels, and expression of a peculiar inward current elicited by a depolarization protocol in the “edge” GBM cells. (a–c) Currents elicited by depolarizing steps, from the holding potential of −60 mV, in cells recorded outside (a), within (b), and at the edge (c) of the wounded area in the control condition (left traces) and after clotrimazole 10 µM and TEA 3 mM local perfusion (central traces). Digital subtraction shows TEA- and clotrimazole-sensitive currents (right traces). The depolarizing voltage step protocol is shown at the bottom. Arrows indicate the inward current present in the control condition and after TEA and clotrimazole local perfusion in the cells recorded at the edge. (d) Scatter plot of single cell values showing the absolute values of BK currents at +140 mV recorded outside (extra, n = 25, blue dots), within (intra, n = 37, green squares), and at the edge (edge, n = 23, orange triangles) of the wounded area. (e) Scatter plot of single cell values showing the BK current density at +140 mV recorded outside (extra, n = 25, blue dots), within (intra, n = 37, green squares), and at the edge (edge, n = 23, orange triangles) of the wounded area. (f) Mean I–V relationship in the cells (n = 8) recorded at the edge of the wounded area in the control conditions (CTR) and after the local perfusion of TEA + clotrimazole. p-values: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, and **** p < 0.0001.