Figure 1.
Protein–protein interaction network and predicted protein structure of CASK. (A) CASK-protein interaction network produced by String database [44]. Protein families that have been intensively investigated are indicated in red. (B) Functional domains of CASK and interactive partner molecules in (A). Five functional domains of CASK, CaMK, L27, PDZ, SH3, and GuK are colored orange, cyan, green, yellow, and magenta, respectively. (C) A three-dimensional structure of CASK is predicted by ColabFold, an AlphaFold2 on Google Colab [45]. (D) The confidence of the prediction is colored based on the score of pLDDT. High-confidence (pLDDT > 90) is drawn in blue and very low confidence is shown in yellow. The angle of the 3D structure of CASK is identical between C and D.