Publicly expressing the willingness to donate organs |
17.05 |
Express users’ willingnessto donate their organs, andthe reasons are not discussed in detail. |
“I want to be an organ donor.” |
Discussion of videos andliterature related to OD |
15.28 |
Express users’ feelings after watchingvideos or books. |
“Last night, I watched The World. It’s very shocking.The family of organ donor is really great.” |
Discussion of cultural opinionsrelated to OD |
15.28 |
Discuss the impact of culturalopinions on OD decision-making. |
“What we need to change is China’s old idea thatfor thousands of years, which we have to leave thewhole body to make peace. Instead of preservingthe whole body, it’s better to let some of them stayin others’ bodies and let others live better.” |
Discussion regardingthe autonomyof decision-making about OD |
6.69 |
Discuss the situation when thedecision of organ donors’ conflictwith their families. Who can have theright to make final decision? |
“I was unanimously opposed by my parents to signa consent for OD.” |
Discussion of theapproaches to OD |
6.61 |
Ask about approaches to donateorgans, or publicize ways to donate organs |
“I don’t know what procedures of OD are needed?Is there such an institution in Ningbo?” |
Doubts about themedical system |
4.79 |
Express concern about opacity andeconomic corruption in OD |
“Never sign a consent form for OD after anaccident, or your chances of accident and deathbecome uncontrollable.” |
Others |
34.04 |
The rest of posts that are hard to becategorized explicitly |
“Salute to every organ donor.” |