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. 1998 Feb;36(2):409–413. doi: 10.1128/jcm.36.2.409-413.1998


BHV1 antibody titers detected in serum by the standard VNT, the gE-blocking ELISA, and the gE ELISA in comparison to the titers in milka

Herd and cow no. Titer
VNT with serum gE-blocking ELISA
Serum Milk Serum Milk
Herd A
 Cow 1 256 128 32 NDb 8
 Cow 2 192 128 32 128 8
Herd B
 Cow 1 2,048 256 32 ≥256 8
 Cow 2 256 128 16 128 2
 Cow 3 512 64 8 128 4
Herd C
 Cow 1 12 8 2 8 <1
 Cow 2 96 64 16 128 2
 Cow 3 64 16 8 16 <1
Herd D
 Cow 1 128 64 8 128 <1
 Cow 2 ≥2,048 128 1 ≥256 8
Geometric mean 269 69 9.8 87 4.9

Serum and milk from 10 animals were tested. 


ND, not done (not enough serum).