Figure 2.
Selectivity of two lactone derivatives (i.e., compound (4) and (rac)-8) on males and females of the parasitoid Trichopria anastrephae. (A) Survival of T. anastrephae adults exposed to the LC90 of compound 4 (1.46 g/L) and (rac)-8 (1.91 g/L) estimated for D. suzukii. Survival curves followed by the same letter do not differ from each other (log rank test, p > 0.05). (B) Functional parasitism of T. anastrephae females after being exposed to compound 4 (1.46 g/L) and (rac)-8 (1.91 g/L). Columns represent the combined daily parasitism rate over a seven-day period after 24 h of exposure to the compounds. Columns under the same horizontal line do not differ from each other (Holm–Sidak test, p > 0.05). The control represents insects treated with sugar solution containing 2% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).