Table 1.
PubMed Search: stem cell transplantation AND laser AND oral mucositis (“stem cell transplantation” [MeSH Terms] OR (“stem” [All Fields] AND “cell” [All Fields] AND “transplantation” [All Fields]) OR “stem cell transplantation” [All Fields]) AND (“laser s” [All Fields] OR “lasers” [MeSH Terms] OR “lasers” [All Fields] OR “laser” [All Fields] OR “lasered” [All Fields] OR “lasering” [All Fields]) AND (“stomatitis” [MeSH Terms] OR “stomatitis” [All Fields] OR (“oral” [All Fields] AND “mucositis” [All Fields]) OR “oral mucositis” [All Fields]) |
Scopus TITLE-ABS-KEY (stem cell transplantation AND laser AND oral mucositis) |
Web of Science stem cell transplantation [all field] and laser [all field], and oral mucositis [all field] |