Table 1.
N: 135 | DA Type: |
Gender: male 89 (65.93%); female 46 (34.07%) | Ropinirole: 64 (47.41%) |
Age: 63.24 ± 9.56 years | Pramipexole: 14 (10.37%) |
Smoking: 6 (4.44%) | Piribedil: 3 (2.22%) |
MDS-UPDRS part III in “OFF state”: 40.15 ± 17.37 | Rotigotine: 1 (0.74%) |
MDS-UPDRS part III in “ON state”: 18.81 ± 11.77 | DA-LEDD (mg): 144.96 ± 211.32 |
Age of onset: 52.87 ± 10.91 | MAO-B inhibitors: 28 (20.74%) |
Disease Duration: 10.49 ± 6.02 | Amantadine: 43 (31.85%) |
Motor fluctuation: 88 (65.19%) | Levodopa: 121 (89.63%) |
Sleep disorders: 72 (53.33%) | LD-LEDD (mg): 845.81 ± 565.49 |
Total LEDD (mg): 1095.52 ± 565.49 |
Data are shown as numbers and percentages for qualitative variables and mean ± SD for quantitative variables. DA—dopamine agonist; LEDD—levodopa equivalent daily dose; LD—levodopa; MDS-UPDRS—MDS Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale.