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. 2023 Aug 25;6(8):e2330327. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.30327

Table. Patient Characteristics.

Characteristic Patients, No. (%)
Total (N = 1 319 273) Black (n = 122 972 [9.3%]) Hispanic (n = 117 668 [8.9%]) White (n = 1 078 633 [81.8%])
Age, mean (SD), y 77 (8.4) 75.1 (8.5) 76.1 (8.3) 77.4 (8.4)
Male 739 456 (56.1) 56 728 (46.1) 64 964 (55.2) 617 764 (57.3)
Female 579 817 (44) 66 244 (53.9) 52 704 (44.8) 460 869 (42.7)
Admission source
Community 1 089 005 (82.6) 108 147 (87.9) 105 742 (89.9) 875 116 (81.1)
Hospital 193 176 (14.6) 11 462 (9.3) 9428 (8) 172 286 (16)
SNF or nursing home 15 696 (1.2) 1590 (1.29) 752 (0.6) 13 354 (1.2)
Other 21 396 (1.6) 1773 (1.4) 1746 (1.5) 17 877 (1.7)
Dual eligible 249 190 (18.9) 48 827 (39.7) 49 180 (41.8) 151 183 (14)
Underweight 21 280 (1.6) 3150 (2.6) 1329 (1.1) 16 801 (1.6)
Morbid obesity 48 758 (3.7) 5700 (4.6) 2978 (2.5) 40 080 (3.7)
Myocardial infarction location
Anterior wall 98 222 (7.5) 7182 (5.8) 7869 (6.7) 83 171 (7.7)
Inferior wall 137 151 (10.4) 8975 (7.3) 9928 (8.4) 118 248 (11)
Lateral wall 21 867 (1.7) 1501 (1.2) 1767 (1.5) 18 599 (1.7)
Unspecified 39 594 (3) 3742 (3) 4178 (3.6) 31 674 (2.9)
NSTEMI 1 022 439 (77.5) 101 572 (82.6) 93 926 (79.8) 826 941 (76.7)
Congestive heart failure
Systolic 238 297 (18.1) 24 494 (19.9) 21 826 (18.6) 191 977 (17.8)
Diastolic 143 395 (10.9) 16 755 (13.6) 11 356 (9.7) 115 284 (10.7)
Systolic and diastolic 82 691 (6.3) 9414 (7.7) 7137 (6.1) 66 140 (6.1)
Unspecified 72 902 (5.5) 8325 (6.8) 8837 (7.5) 55 740 (5.2)
Right heart failure 1776 (0.1) 215 (0.2) 138 (0.1) 1423 (0.1)
Biventricular heart failure 1997 (0.2) 228 (0.2) 141 (0.1) 1628 (0.2)
End-stage heart failure 1175 (0.1) 163 (0.1) 170 (0.1) 842 (0.1)
Complications of AMI
Ventricular septal defect 665 (0.1) 15 (0) 35 (0) 615 (0.1)
LV rupture 418 (0) 7 (0.01) 28 (0) 383 (0)
Papillary muscle rupture 237 (0) 10 (0.01) 9 (0.01) 218 (0)
Prior procedures
PCI 249 477 (18.9) 22 186 (18) 18 984 (16.1) 208 307 (19.3)
CABG 176 877 (13.4) 12 925 (10.5) 15 152 (12.9) 148 800 (13.8)
Heart valve surgery 27 562 (2.1) 1662 (1.4) 1860 (1.6) 24 040 (2.2)
Dialysis 38 531 (2.9) 10 428 (8.5) 7377 (6.3) 20 726 (1.9)
AICD 30 373 (2.3) 4225 (3.4) 2883 (2.5) 23 265 (2.2)
COVID-19 1514 (0.1) 229 (0.2) 288 (0.2) 997 (0.1)
Functional status
Using wheelchair 5858 (0.4) 869 (0.7) 500 (0.4) 4489 (0.4)
Supplemental oxygen 40 072 (3) 3213 (2.6) 2003 (1.7) 34 856 (3.2)
Dependent on caregiver 5914 (0.5) 1145 (0.9) 1282 (1.1) 3487 (0.3)
Elixhauser comorbidity
Cardiac arrhythmia 453 158 (34.4) 36 613 (29.8) 31 343 (26.6) 385 202 (35.7)
Valvular heart disease 236 696 (17.9) 20 220 (16.4) 17 030 (14.5) 199 446 (18.5)
Pulmonary circulation 98 265 (7.5) 12 516 (10.2) 7417 (6.3) 78 332 (7.3)
Peripheral vascular disorder 166 890 (12.7) 15 525 (12.6) 12 904 (11) 138 461 (12.8)
Hypertension, uncomplicated 529 186 (40.1) 41 175 (33.5) 46 161 (39.2) 441 850 (41)
Hypertension, complicated 619 100 (46.9) 74 646 (60.7) 59 886 (50.9) 484 568 (44.9)
Paralysis 5515 (0.4) 765 (0.6) 551 (0.5) 4199 (0.4)
Neurologic disorder, other 97 497 (7.4) 11 490 (9.3) 7949 (6.8) 78 058 (7.2)
Chronic pulmonary disease 316 864 (24) 29 969 (24.4) 21 054 (17.9) 265 841 (24.7)
Diabetes, uncomplicated 223 197 (16.9) 23 692 (19.3) 26 582 (22.6) 172 923 (16)
Diabetes, complicated 339 662 (25.8) 43 486 (35.4) 43 226 (36.7) 252 950 (23.5)
Hypothyroidism 228 080 (17.3) 11 662 (9.5) 18 731 (15.9) 197 687 (18.3)
Kidney failure 408 284 (31) 53 606 (43.6) 39 344 (33.4) 315 334 (29.2)
Liver disease 34 009 (2.6) 3914 (3.2) 3786 (3.2) 26 309 (2.4)
Peptic ulcer disease 8013 (0.6) 803 (0.7) 708 (0.6) 6502 (0.6)
AIDS or HIV 911 (0.1) 320 (0.3) 136 (0.1) 455 (0)
Lymphoma 9016 (0.7) 1037 (0.8) 636 (0.5) 7343 (0.7)
Metastatic cancer 15 993 (1.2) 1658 (1.4) 1078 (0.9) 13 257 (1.2)
Solid tumor 40 240 (3.1) 4179 (3.4) 2826 (2.4) 33 235 (3.1)
Rheumatoid arthritis 44 128 (3.3) 4082 (3.3) 2915 (2.5) 37 131 (3.4)
Coagulopathy 63 707 (4.8) 6597 (5.4) 6048 (5.1) 51 062 (4.7)
Weight loss 51 439 (3.9) 7430 (6) 4301 (3.7) 39 708 (3.7)
Fluid and electrolyte disorder 293 641 (22.3) 34 379 (28) 27 745 (23.6) 231 517 (21.5)
Anemia, blood loss 8352 (0.6) 926 (0.8) 655 (0.6) 6771 (0.6)
Anemia, deficiency 49 036 (3.7) 6596 (5.4) 4172 (3.6) 38 268 (3.6)
Alcohol abuse 25 806 (2) 3050 (2.5) 2233 (1.9) 20 523 (1.9)
Drug abuse 16 232 (1.2) 3644 (3) 1260 (1.1) 11 328 (1.1)
Psychoses 6549 (0.5) 1356 (1.1) 743 (0.6) 4450 (0.4)
Depression 127 105 (9.6) 12 516 (6.2) 7417 (7.3) 78 332 (10.3)
Total beds, No.
<50 14 513 (1.1) 971 (0.8) 824 (0.7) 12 718 (1.2)
51-149 195 615 (14.8) 11 317 (9.2) 13 894 (11.8) 170 404 (15.8)
150-249 305 966 (23.2) 23 592 (19.2) 29 358 (25) 253 016 (23.5)
250-499 520 901 (39.5) 51 227 (41.7) 47 975 (40.8) 421 699 (39.1)
≥500 282 278 (21.4) 35 865 (29.2) 25 617 (21.8) 220 796 (20.5)
Resident-to-bed ratio
0 553 595 (42) 41 550 (33.8) 50 711 (43.1) 461 334 (42.8)
>0-0.10 371 616 (28.2) 28 270 (23) 32 262 (27.4) 311 084 (28.8)
0.11-0.20 148 004 (11.2) 13 514 (11) 12 384 (10.5) 122 106 (11.3)
0.21-0.40 133 596 (10.1) 17 633 (14.3) 10 120 (8.6) 105 843 (9.8)
0.41- 112 462 (8.5) 22 005 (17.9) 12 191 (10.4) 78 266 (7.3)
Rural hospital 102 823 (7.8) 6420 (5.2) 1860 (1.6) 94 543 (8.8)
Large urban hospital 601 612 (45.6) 74 083 (60.2) 71 082 (60.4) 456 447 (42.3)
Other urban hospital 614 838 (46.6) 42 469 (34.5) 44 726 (38) 527 643 (48.9)
Disproportionate share (DSH), %
0-9.9 68 579 (5.2) 2632 (2.1) 5054 (4.3) 60 893 (5.7)
10.0-24.9 462 132 (35) 28 751 (23.4) 26 099 (22.2) 407 282 (37.8)
25.0-49.9 695 827 (52.7) 71 719 (58.3) 56 203 (47.8) 567 905 (52.7)
≥50.0 92 735 (7) 19 870 (16.2) 30 312 (25.8) 42 553 (4)
Patients with AMI who are members of minority populations, %
<5 370 849 (28.1) 4979 (4.1) 4043 (3.4) 361 827 (33.5)
5.0-9.9 258 352 (19.6) 10 193 (8.3) 8065 (6.9) 240 094 (22.3)
10.0-24.9 371 375 (28.2) 38 705 (31.5) 21 502 (18.3) 311 168 (28.9)
25.0-49.9 215 721 (16.4) 43 061 (35) 32 267 (27.4) 140 393 (13)
≥50.0 102 976 (7.8) 26 034 (21.2) 51 791 (44) 25 151 (2.3)
Volume of AMI hospitalizations, No.
<200 117 722 (8.9) 13 051 (10.6) 12 828 (10.9) 91 843 (8.5)
200-499 202 031 (15.3) 22 773 (18.5) 23 266 (19.8) 155 992 (14.5)
500-999 456 162 (34.6) 45 763 (37.2) 39 778 (33.8) 370 621 (34.4)
1000-1999 427 403 (32.4) 32 790 (26.7) 31 125 (26.5) 363 488 (33.7)
≥2000 115 955 (8.8) 8595 (7) 10 671 (9.1) 96 689 (9)
Hospital weekly proportion of COVID-19 cases, %a
0-2.0 91 121 (54.2) 7317 (47.5) 8579 (53.9) 75 225 (55)
2.1-9.9 52 523 (31.2) 5347 (34.7) 4729 (29.7) 42 447 (31)
10.1-20.0 16 657 (9.9) 1919 (12.5) 1669 (10.5) 13 069 (9.6)
20.1-30.0 5208 (3.1) 538 (3.5) 506 (3.2) 4164 (3)
≥30.1% 2600 (1.6) 270 (1.8) 437 (2.7) 1893 (1.4)
30-d Mortality 148 659 (11.3) 12 874 (10.5) 13 559 (11.5) 122 226 (11.3)
30-d Readmission 273 981 (20.8) 28 715 (23.4) 26 772 (22.8) 218 494 (20.3)
Nonhome discharge 299 145 (22.7) 28 738 (23.4) 22 780 (0) 247 627 (23)
Revascularization 675 290 (51.2) 50 509 (41.1) 51 926 (44.1) 572 855 (53.1)

Abbreviations: AICD, automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery; DSH, disproportionate share hospital; LV, left ventricle; NSTEMI, non–ST segment elevation myocardial infarction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; SNF, skilled nursing facility.


Excludes cases before the COVID-19 pandemic.