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. 2023 Aug 9;11(8):150. doi: 10.3390/sports11080150
BM body mass.
BMD bone mass density.
CMJ countermovement jump.
COD change of direction.
CODS change of direction speed.
DJ drop jump.
Dur duration of plyometric jump training (weeks)
EGM evidence-gap map.
EMG electromyography.
FCPL foot contacts per leg.
Freq frequency of plyometric jump training (sessions per week).
GCT ground contact time.
HPC human physical capabilities.
MIF maximal isometric force.
NA not applicable.
NCR not clearly reported.
NR not reported.
PE physical education.
PICOS participants, intervention, comparators, outcomes, and study design.
PJT plyometric jump training.
PRISMA preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
RFD rate force development.
RM maximum repetition.
RSA repeated sprint ability.
RSI reactive strength index.
RT resistance training.
SEBT star excursion balance test.
SJ squat jump.
SLJ standing long jump.
SSC stretch-shortening cycle.
SSP sport-specific performance.