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. 2023 Aug 10;23(16):7092. doi: 10.3390/s23167092
AI Artificial intelligence
ANN Artificial neural networks
AU Action units
CNN Convolutional neural network
CCC Concordance correlation coefficient
DNN Deep neural network
EEG Electroencephalogram
FC Fully connected
FER Facial emotion recognition
GAN Generative adversarial networks
GNN Graph neural network
HOG Histogram of oriented gradients
IoT Internet of things
KNN K-nearest neighbors
LFA Local feature analysis
LDA Linear discriminant analysis
LBP Local binary pattern
LSTM Long short-term memory
MLP Multi-layer perceptron
NLP Natural language processing
PRISMA-ScR Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews
PCA Principal component analysis
RNN Recurrent neural network
ResNet Residual neural network
SVM Support vector machine
VGG Visual geometry group