N (%)
Which of the following reasons reflects why you decided to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
To prevent me from getting COVID-19 |
466 (68%) |
To prevent me from spreading the COVID-19 virus to my patients |
78 (11%) |
To prevent me from spreading the COVID-19 virus to my family |
40 (6%) |
Adding to the number of people in the community who are protected from getting COVID-19 |
30 (4%) |
The vaccine was easily accessible and so I took it |
26 (4%) |
I live with someone/some people who belong to vulnerable populations |
18 (3%) |
My employer/government requires me to take the vaccine |
17 (2%) |
To get back to normal life |
9 (1%) |
Stop spreading the virus to others if I acquire it |
1 (0%) |
How convenient was it for you to get the COVID-19 vaccines?
Extremely convenient |
509 (74%) |
Somewhat convenient |
151 (22%) |
Only a little convenient |
20 (3%) |
Not at all convenient |
5 (1%) |
How satisfied were you with the service you received at the vaccination center?
Extremely |
577 (84%) |
Somewhat |
99 (14%) |
Only a little |
8 (1%) |
Not at all |
1 (0%) |