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. 2022 May 7;32(9):1765–1780. doi: 10.1007/s00787-022-01992-x

Table 4.

Health and descriptive data on participating girls, scoring high on respective measure on mental health in 2004, 2009, and 2014

2004 (n = 2159–2273) 2009 (n = 1719–1792) 2014 (n = 2713–2931)
Mental Health scale, above 80th percentile SCL-25, above 80th percentile TSCC, above 80th percentile
No Yes p value No Yes p value No Yes p value
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
Living conditions 0.083  < 0.001  < 0.001
 Living with both1 1232 (68.1) 289 (63.8) 885 (68.2) 255 (55.2) 1640 (74.2) 451 (62.6)
 Not living with both 578 (31.9) 164 (36.2) 412 (31.8) 207 (44.8) 569 (25.8) 269 (37.4)
Economic status
 Employed mother 1470 (81.8) 331 (74.7) 0.001 1130 (86.1) 363 (77.7)  < 0.001 1951 (93.8) 621 (93.4) 0.702
 Employed father 1440 (82.4) 332 (75.5) 0.001 1130 (88.7) 376 (84.5) 0.021 1959 (90.9) 606 (87.8) 0.020
Study program 0.784 0.005 0.001
 Vocational 662 (36.7) 163 (36.0) 452 (34.2) 195 (41.5) 550 (24.9) 225 (31.2)
 Theoretical 1143 (63.3) 290 (64.0) 870 (65.8) 275 (58.5) 1660 (75.1) 496 (68.8)
Immigrant status  < 0.001 0.744 0.951
 Born in Sweden 1573 (86.6) 363 (79.6) 1215 (92.7) 434 (93.1) 2046 (92.6) 667 (92.5)
 Born outside of Sweden 244 (13.4) 93 (20.4) 96 (7.3) 32 (6.9) 164 (7.4) 54 (7.5)
 Truancy2 1423 (82.2) 373 (87.1) 0.014 1034 (79.7) 399 (87.7)  < 0.001 351 (15.9) 296 (41.1)  < 0.001
 Tried hashish/cannabis 354 (19.7) 127 (28.0)  < 0.001 163 (12.4) 105 (22.7)  < 0.001 312 (14.2) 179 (25.0)  < 0.001
Weak family
 Low caring parents 18 (1.0) 19 (4.1)  < 0.001 29 (2.2) 41 (8.8)  < 0.001 79 (3.6) 50 (7.0)  < 0.001
 High controlling parents 70 (3.9) 46 (10.2)  < 0.001 145 (11.0) 81 (17.4)  < 0.001 172 (7.8) 144 (20.0)  < 0.001
Early sexual debut3 82 (6.3) 28 (8.4) 0.186 97 (10.1) 45 (12.1) 0.287 87 (6.1) 57 (10.5) 0.001
Sexual abuse4 1133 (62.2) 341 (74.6)  < 0.001 267 (20.3) 182 (39.1)  < 0.001 454 (21.6) 351 (50.7)  < 0.001
Penetrating abuse 203 (11.1) 99 (21.7)  < 0.001 89 (6.8) 93 (20.0)  < 0.001 117 (5.6) 130 (18.8)  < 0.001
Ever watched pornography 0.001 0.106  < 0.001
 No 455 (25.2) 82 (18.0) 460 (35.4) 141 (31.2) 1213 (55.0) 245 (34.2)
 Yes 1352 (74.8) 374 (82.0) 840 (64.6) 311 (68.8) 991 (45.0) 472 (65.8)
 If yes: watched deviant pornography5 95 (7.0) 37 (9.9) 0.065 72 (8.6) 40 (12.9) 0.029 65 (6.6) 62 (13.1)  < 0.001
Frequency of watching 0.282 0.080  < 0.001
 Some time each month 91 (8.4) 26 (10.5) 105 (10.9) 53 (15.3) 268 (12.4) 132 (18.8)
 Never or once/twice a year 970 (89.2) 212 (85.8) 827 (85.5) 279 (80.6) 1797 (83.0) 483 (68.8)
 Weekly or daily 26 (2.4) 9 (3.6) 35 (3.6) 14 (4.0) 99 (4.6) 87 (12.4)

1Living with both parents include “alternating between mother and father”

2In 2004 and 2009 the question was “Have you skipped school?”, in 2014, the question was “Have you frequently skipped school?”

3Before the age of 14 years (only those who had had their sexual debut)

4The question about fondling was more strictly defined in 2009 and 2014 studies

5Included violent, animal and child pornography