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. 2022 Dec 3;78(9):1591–1603. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbac189

Table 2.

Coefficients From Growth Curve Models Predicting Changes in Depressive Symptoms Over Time

Mothers Fathers Difference
Focal independent variables
 Time (in years) −0.03*** −0.02*
 Child death 0.41*** 0.21**
 Time since child death −0.15*** −0.07* *
 Time since child death2 0.01*** 0.01
Sociodemographic characteristics
 Age (at baseline) −0.03*** −0.02*
 Racially/ethnically minoritized −0.04 0.17
 Partnered −0.47*** −0.88***
Socioeconomic resources
 Education (in years) −0.09*** −0.08***
 Wealth (logged) −0.04*** 0.01
Interpersonal resources
 Any surviving children −0.49 −0.25
 Friends nearby −0.07 −0.05
 Family nearby −0.06 0.08
 Share of children in weekly contact −0.05 −0.09
Health characteristics
 Chronic conditions 0.30*** 0.22***
 Heavy alcohol user −0.36 0.14
 Smoker 0.06 0.02
Other bereavement
 Prior child death 0.18 −0.13
 Concurrent family death 0.23*** 0.09
Variance components
 Within-person 1.49 1.20
 Intercept (1) 1.46 1.15
 Slope (2) 0.08 0.08
 Covariance between (1) and (2) −0.25 −0.40
 Intercept 5.35*** 3.63***

Notes: Eight wave-specific, dichotomous indicators were included in the models to account for attrition from the study. Difference refers to significant gender interactions with focal independent variables from pooled model (not shown).

p < .10. *p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.