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[Preprint]. 2024 Aug 8:2023.08.15.553395. Originally published 2023 Aug 15. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2023.08.15.553395

Figure 2. During DM formation from EMT and ingression of the coelomic epithelia, right and left cells do not mix.

Figure 2.

When the coelomic cavity is injected with DiI at HH12–13, n = 5 (A), the labeled cells give rise to the mesenchymal and epithelial cells of the DM on the corresponding side of the embryo, n = 5 (B). When DiI and DiO are injected at HH12–13 into left and right coeloms, respectively, n = 6 (C), labeled cells are still segregated at HH18, n = 6 (D, E and F). The same results are found when cells are labeled by electroporation with pCAG-GFP (left) and pCl-H2B-RFP (right) (G and H), both when the midline is continuous (HH19 n = 3, G) and once it has disappeared (HH21 n = 3, H). (I-L) H&E staining of the DM at HH18 n = 5 (I) shows “empty space” between the notochord, endoderm, and dorsal aortae. At HH19 n = 5 (J), this space gains some cells (arrows), and the space is completely filled in by HH20 n = 4 (K), and HH21 n = 3 (L). Scale bars = 60 μm. nt = neural tube, c = coelom, ao = aorta, N = notochord, s = somite, DM = dorsal mesentery, L = left, R = right.