(A) Scheme for experimentally validating the role of rhIL16 in L1 regulation. GSEA analysis for top, shared, concomitantly regulated (B) GO Biological Process and (C) Reactome pathway gene sets following IL16 overexpression and rhIL16 exposure for 24 hours. Shared gene sets were ranked by combining p-values from each individual treatment analysis using Fisher’s method. (D) GSEA analysis for top, differentially regulated TE family gene sets following rhIL16 exposure for 24 hours. (E) GSEA analysis for significantly regulated evolutionary-age-stratified L1 gene sets following rhIL16 exposure. L1M subfamilies are the oldest, L1P subfamilies are intermediate, and L1PA subfamilies are the youngest. (F) GSEA analysis for top, differentially regulated TE family gene sets in different genomic locations following rhIL16 exposure for 24 hours. In each bubble plot, the size of the dot represents the −log10(FDR) and the color reflects the normalized enrichment score. FDR: False Discovery Rate. Some panels were created with BioRender.com.