Many physiological functions regulated by osteocalcin are affected in adult offspring of mothers experiencing an unhealthy pregnancy. Furthermore, osteocalcin signaling during gestation influences cognition and adrenal steroidogenesis in adult mice. Together these observations suggest that osteocalcin functions during pregnancy may be a broader determinant of organismal homeostasis in adult mammals than previously thought. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed in unchallenged wildtype and Osteocalcin -deficient, newborn, and adult mice of various genotypes and origin, and that were maintained on different genetic backgrounds, the functions of osteocalcin in the pancreas, liver and testes and their molecular underpinnings. This analysis revealed that providing mothers are themselves Osteocalcin -deficient, Osteocalcin haploinsufficiency in embryos hampers insulin secretion, liver gluconeogenesis, glucose homeostasis, testes steroidogenesis in adult offspring; inhibits cell proliferation in developing pancreatic islets and testes; and disrupts distinct programs of gene expression in these organs and in the brain. This study indicates that through their synergistic regulation of multiple physiological functions, osteocalcin ofmaternal and embryonic origins contributes to the establishment and maintenance of organismal homeostasis in newborn and adult offspring.
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