Figure 1. Overview of CSF Pseudo-diffusion Spatial Statistics ().
At low b-values, CSF retains it signal and signal changes are sensitive to incoherent flow. For , the following steps were performed: (1) Diffusion tensor model was applied to intermediate/high b-value images to obtain FA and mean diffusivity. These were used for 2-tissue segmentation (Atropos, part of ANTs) to generate CSF partial volume maps and pseudo-T1-weighted images. (2) Low b-value diffusion-weighted images (multi-low b-value subset: b: 0–350 s/mm2 [7 non-b0 volumes]; b100 subset: b = 100 s/mm2, 16 directions, 3 b0 volumes) were used to generate low b-value maps, measuring pseudorandom flow magnitude. (3) and pseudo-T1 images were utilized to create study-specific templates with (ANTs). Subsequently, and CSF partial volume maps were registered to the template space. A final CSF mask was generated by retaining voxels with CSF fraction > 0.7 in more than 65% subjects. Voxels with a CSF fraction < 0.7 were filled using surrounding voxel average. Spatial smoothing (3 mm FWHM) was applied within the CSF mask using 3dBlurInMask (part of AFNI).
Abbreviations: CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; FA, fractional anisotropy; FWHM, full width half maximum; , mean pseudo-diffusivity.