Fig. 2|. CpdR Phosphorylation State regulates CpdR-PopZ interactions.
a, Reconstitution of CpdR phosphorylation and PopZ interaction in E. coli. b, mChy-PopZ and CpdR-GFP were observed by microscopy and normalized fluorescence intensities were plotted against cell length (graphs). For CckA variants, WT=wildtype; H+=hyperactive kinase; K−=kinase deficient. c, CpdR-GFP phosphorylation levels in lysates from c, observed using Phos-tag gel electrophoresis. d, Images of CpdR-GFP interactions with PopZ condensates, with phase contrast and YFP fluorescence channels shown. GFP-only is included as a negative control. +AcP: after incubation with acetyl phosphate. e, CpdR-GFP phosphorylation levels in samples from d, observed using Phos-tag gel electrophoresis. Data shows composite images from two different gels. f, Fluorescence values from d were normalized to the maximum signal intensity and plotted against percentage of CpdR-YFP~P in 2e. g, FRAP and FLIP assay for CpdR-GFP in E. coli cells expressing PopZ. Recovery and loss of fluorescence were plotted against time in seconds.