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[Preprint]. 2023 Aug [Version 1] doi: 10.21203/

Table 1.

Settings, participants and design of Indigo-Local intervention in the seven study sites

Study site Location of training / intervention implementation Trainers used in training (worker type and number of trainers) Recipients of training (participant type and target sample size) Media campaign components
China, Beijing Xicheng district, Tongzhou district, Chaoyang district (all urban) 3 site team members 16–18 community mental health workers who are responsible for follow-up (home) care and working at primary medical facilities;
4–5 service users
Posters and social media (WeChat) for at least one month
China, Guangzhou Tianhe district (urban) 2 site team members 12 community mental health social workers;
4 service users
Leaflets and social media (WeChat) for at least one month
Ethiopia Sodo and South Sodo districts, Gurage Zone, South-Central Ethiopia (rural) 3 site team members 15 community-based health extension workers None
India, Bengaluru Ramanagara district (rural) 3 site team members 86 Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs), 5 primary health care officers;
10 service users
Distribution of brochures and posters by ASHA workers for one month
India, Delhi National Capital Region Atmadpur and Mewla Maharajpur primary health centre areas (urban) 3 site teams members 11 ASHAs;
3 service users
Screening of videos in the community and use of flipbooks by ASHAs during their routine visits, for three months
Nepal Gandaki Province, Syangja
District, Arjunchaupari Rural Municipality, Central Nepal (rural)
1 site team member and 1
psychosocial counsellor
20 Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs) from four primary health care centres Flyers distributed by FCHVs and hoarding boards/billboard placed in strategic locations such as schools, marketplaces etc., run actively for four months
Tunisia Testour Municipality, Governorate of Beja, Northern Tunisia (rural) 3 site team members and 2 residents in Psychiatry 18 well-regarded members of the community of Testour: social workers, religious leaders, members of local NGOs, members of the local radio, teachers Flyers, posters in strategic locations, social media posts, radio broadcasts about mental health and stigma, for three months