Figure 2.
Biochemical analysis of capsule polysaccharide produced by 33F cps type variants.A and B, 1H NMR spectra showing the anomeric (panel A) and acetyl (panel B) regions of de-O-acetylated (dOAc) and native PS purified from STREP33F (33F), PATH3618 (33F-1a), and 212862 (33F-1c). The peaks for A1 and D1 are obscured by the HOD peak and therefore not assignable in the 1H NMR spectrum. C and D, overlay of 1H-13C HMQC NMR spectra showing the anomeric (panel C) and ring (panel D) regions for STREP33F (black), PATH3618 (red), and 212862 (green) PS. Labels in Panels A–D denote signals assigned to the corresponding residues “A–F”, as labeled in panels E and F, as well as in Table 1. Residue Eꞌ represents the de-O-acetylated form of glycosyl residue E. E and F, structures of 33F (panelE) and 33E (panelF) PS. Red letters denote the residue name assigned to each monosaccharide in NMR analyses. Strains/genotypes producing each PS are listed in parentheses. cps, capsule synthesis locus; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; PS, polysaccharide.