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. 2023 Aug 28;13(8):e068876. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068876

Table 1.

Cardiovascular diseases

Physical health
Authors Result
Triglyceride levels Tan et al21 High triglyceride level 23% (n=49%), males 89% (n=8), females 40% (n=15)
HDL cholesterol Tan et al21 Low HDL level, 62% (n=29), males 78%, females 58% (n=22)
Impaired fasting glucose Tan et al21 Total: 19% (n=9), males: 22% (n=2), females 18% (n=7)
Angina All Ireland Traveller Health Study8 4.3% Travellers, Ireland (background population 2%)
2.1% Travellers, Northern Ireland
Diabetes mellitus All Ireland Traveller Health Study8 6.1% Travellers, Ireland (background population 3%)
6.1% Travellers, Northern Ireland
Slattery et al22 5.9% Traveller sample (background population 4.3%)
Tan et al21 8.5% Traveller sample (background population 4.3%)
Prediabetes Slattery et al53 9.3% (background population 6.2%)
Tan et al21 11.6% Traveller sample (background population 6.3%)
Heart attack All Ireland Traveller Health Study8 2.3% Travellers, Ireland (background population<1%)
2.1% Travellers, Northern Ireland
Systolic blood pressure≥130 mm Hg Tan et al21 Total 43% (n=20), males: 22% (n=2), females 47% (n=18)
Diastolic blood presssure≥85 mm Hg Tan et al21 Total 38% (n=18), males: 44% (n=4), females 37% (n=14)
Metabolic syndrome Slattery et al22 39.3% Traveller sample (background population 21%)
Tan et al21 53.2% Traveller sample (background population 21.0%)
Self-reported CVD McGorrian et al30 54
  • -Self-reported CVD was 5.6% (5.8% in men and 5.5% in women), compared with 16.1% in the general Irish population.

  • The prevalence of CVD increased with age and the Travellers who reported CVD were older (mean age 54.06±14.48 vs 34.99±13.85).

  • No significant difference in the prevalence of reported CVD, hypercholesterolaemia and hypertension between the comparator groups was found.

  • However, diabetes, smoking, consumption of salt and fried food and physical inactivity are more frequent in Travellers.

  • Significant positive association was found between CVD and age, high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes and current/former versus never smoking, drinking alcohol and increasing discrimination.

Kelleher et al19
  • Significant negative association was found between CVD and self-rated health, consumption of fried food and trust of others.

  • Self-reported blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes screening by GP (48%, n=1996)

CVD, cardiovascular disease; GP, general practitioner; HDL, high-density lipoproteins.