Table 2.
Definition of study variables (second stage tobit regression)
Variable definition | Definition | Measurement |
Dependent variable | ||
VRS Inefficiency score (first stage calculation result) | Variable Returns to Scale Inefficiency Score | Score value (range between 0 and 1) |
CRS Inefficiency score (first stage calculation result) | Constant Returns to Scale Inefficiency Score | Score value (range between 0 and 1) |
Independent variables | ||
OPD visits per year (OPD) | Number of outpatient department visits per health center in 2016 | Number of patient visits in 2016/2017 |
HC distance to closest provincial referral hospital (km) (DIST1) | Distance of health center to closest provincial referral hospital | in kilometers (km) |
HC distance to closest referral hospital (km) (DIST2) | Distance of health center to closest provincial referral hospital | in kilometers (km) |
Health centers with beds (binary) (BEDS) | Binary variable indicating health center with beds | 1, if health center with beds |
Health center population coverage (POP) | Health center population coverage | in number of persons covered |
Health center size (m2) (SIZE) | Size of a health center | in square meters (m2) |
Quality score (%) (QUAL) | H-EQUIP quality score | in percent (%) |